Burn baby burn 🦞

Sam’s TeeMail Tuesday June 6th 2023


Remember I was telling you about my buddy Brett that I went to the beach with on Sunday? I saw him again today at the store… He was lobsterfied!…

So this is how my Sunday played out, got to beach at 9:15am. Paddled, sunbathed, chilled, knocked back a few beers. At about noon, I got hungry and dragged the family home for a bite. Then obviously I had to nap as the morning beers had worn off!

Well, Brett and his family stayed on the beach – til 4pm! Today’s mood is in honor of him and his family who currently resemble boiled lobsters. In fact, if you stand near them you can feel the heat!

Stay cool 🧊 🤘


P.S Tomorrow I will launch my birthday sale – check back in the am


B52s Rock Lobster T-Shirt
B52s Rock Lobster T-Shirt

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